FEBRUARY 14th: Valentine’s Day
FEBRUARY 17th: Presidents Day: No Class
FEBRUARY 21st: Journey into Imagination (Company Black Box)
FEBRUARY 22nd: Ingredients of Flava (Flavakids Black Box)
MARCH 15th: AAU Local Battle
MARCH 21st: Collective Black Box
MARCH 22nd: AAU Local Battle



Here is what you need to know!
This year's theme is color theory!
On May 2nd & 3rd there will pictures taken of your child and the rest of their class! Your teachers will let them know what they will need to bring and wear to their pictures.
The week before the recital there will be a rehearsal for this performance. This rehearsal will happen at The School of Dance and will be May 12th, 13th, and 14th. This will be during their assigned rehearsal time. There will be no classes during this week only rehearsal.
The recital will take place at the Capitol Theatre on May 19th and 20th. There will be no classes on those days as well as the rest of that week. You will have a 2 week break afterwards, then we jump into summer classes and camps!